Rețele Terestre - IT Maintenance and Assistance Rețele Terestre - IT Maintenance and Assistance

IT Maintenance and Assistance

By signing the IT maintenance contract and solutions to problems related to the IT field and identifying the most appropriate solutions and strategies for operating the existing IT infrastructure in a company.

We offer solutions and strategies from simple system configurations, development and administration of computer networks and servers, to the implementation of complete solutions necessary for the client's business.

Benefits of using a subscription for IT maintenance and IT support

Increase employee productivity

Design and implementation of data transmission networks

IT consulting, design, execution, modernization of existing networks

Internet solution acquisition, configuration and security consulting

Acquisition consulting and configuration of servers with operating system and workstations (pc / laptop)

Design and backup solutions as well as data recovery

Contract technical support (recommended)

Offers / sale of IT specific products

IT consultancy for the acquisition of equipment and contracting of the desired services