Rețele Terestre - Audit and Consulting Rețele Terestre - Audit and Consulting

Audit and Consulting

One of our areas of expertise is to provide IT consulting in identifying the most appropriate solutions and strategies for operating the existing IT infrastructure in a company, resulting in the efficiency of the client's activity.

We provide consulting and solutions to IT issues and identify the most appropriate solutions and strategies for operating the existing IT infrastructure in a company.

We offer solutions and strategies from simple system configurations, development and administration of computer networks and servers, to the implementation of complete solutions necessary for the client's business.

The IT consulting we offer to clients is continuous, throughout the contractual period and may include recommendations and solutions for the sizing and correct use of the hardware and software infrastructure, in order to obtain a efficient optimal.

IT consulting
we offer to clients in:

Free consultation

Estimation and planning of medium and long term IT needs

IT consulting in the acquisition / rental or configuration of servers

Design and implementation of backup solutions

Implementing a robust security system

We consult IT (Linux, Windows), security

Consulting for fixing security holes for websites and web applications

IT consulting in hosting solutions for digital platforms with increased online availability

We consult IT for website creation and virtual stores